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By-laws & Policies


This by-law is respecting the Corporate Seal for the Rural Community of Fundy Shores

This by-law is relating to the procedural operations for meetings held by the Council for the Rural Community of Fundy Shores

This by-law outlines the conduct of Council members, while conducting business on behalf of the Local Government

This by-law is relating to the annual remuneration received by members of Council.

This by-law comes into force on January 1, 2024.

This by-law comes into force on January 1, 2024

This by-law received its third and final reading on February 5, 2025


This policy outlines the allowable uses of the internet by Council and Staff. 

This policy outlines the allowable uses of email for Council and Staff.

This policy outlines, that when possible, Council will conduct paperless business at their meetings.

This policy outlines when certificates of recognition are presented to members of the public.

This policy outlines the terms and conditions associated with staff using a corporate credit card.

This policy outlines the terms and conditions for groups to apply for grant funding from Fundy Shores.



- In Kind Sponsorship Application

- Donation Application

- Operating Grant Application



This policy outlines the terms and conditions for individuals or groups requesting the installation of streetlights in Fundy Shores.




This policy support a scent free environment at the Community Office in Fundy Shores.​



DRAFT By-law - 

Dog Control

Council is currently reviewing and seeking public opinion on a Dog Control By-Law.  The proposed by-law is scheduled to appear for its first reading before Council at March's Regular Council Meeting.


So why a Dog Control By-Law? 


Below is the background information:


Dog Control legislation has been traditionally applied by the Province of New Brunswick through Regulation 2022-36. Since Local Governance Reform, implemented on January 1, 2023, services originally provided by the Province of New Brunswick is being moved to the newly formed Local Government Entities, including the Rural Community of Fundy Shores. Fundy Shores was made aware in the fall of 2024, that the current Dog Control services provided by the Provincial Government would be ending and they (the local government) would need to establish their own by-laws and service contracts with the NBSPCA or other service provider.


The draft by-law provided is similar to the previous regulation in force in the community by the Province of New Brunswick, with some very minor changes.

Approved Working Documents

Terms of Reference Adopted by Council 


31 Malcolm Meehan Road

Musquash NB, E5J 2G2


Tel: 506-693-0207



©2023 Rural Community of Fundy Shores

Thanks for submitting!

A special thank you to everyone that donated pictures to the website: Sandra Muise, Deanna Bent, Tina Dealy, Charlene Thompson, Morgan Gillis, Denny Cosgwell, Sue Farquharson

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